
Monday 31 July 2017

Drama skills

3 Games we played


  • Copy Circle ( Is where you make contact with the person selected and one person is out of the room which may not hear the chosen person by the teacher and copy that person's actions while the other person comes back in the room and guesses the person who is the action starter which this person is allowed to switch actions without the guesser seeking you the seeker gets 3 Guesses)
  • The name game ( One person starts with a ball and before throwing the ball to your choice make eye contact and call out your name)
  • Dancing with a mirror/shadowing  ( you and your buddy has to find a empty space and decide who is the leader the leader has to dance while the person opposite has to copy just like its the leaders reflection)
It was easy to do these games and make eye contact with others 
It was  challenging  to find a space for we have a lot of students in my class. 

Wednesday 26 July 2017

Quality Blog Comments


We are learning how to interact online in a kind, positive and helpful way.
Learning how to leave quality blog comments is an important part of having a blog. It teaches us how to interact with others online and enables us to continue growing our positive digital footprint.

Monday 24 July 2017


Image result for drama in writing THE PURPOSE OF WARM-UPS

To prevent injury
Relax mental and physical tension 
Prepare physically and mentally for performance work
Help you be more expressive with your body

Warm Ups

Thursday 6 July 2017

DIY Archimedes Screw

you will need
Flexible,clear piping ( softened in hot water)
Hot water
Coke or V cans (needs to be tall and thin)
Waterproof Duct tape


1. soften the piping in hot water.
2. Tape four cans together with duct/waterproof tape to make one tall can.
3. Wrap the tubing around the can.Tape the the tubing securely at the top and bottom, making sure you don't obstruct the water way.

Put your screw in a bucket on about 50 degree angle and spin the screw if water goes down instead put duct tape over the piping spin it around and watch the magic happen!!!

                I have published info about this fascinating screw down below  in another post
                                                                                                                                                                                IT WORKED!!!                            
 we can improve this of you add a motor or a handle.