
Wednesday 27 September 2017

Saving the whales

1. Why do we need to protect them?
2. What is the cause of the animal population disease in number?
3. What is being done to help them?
4. How successful is this help?

                                                      1. To keep the oceans healthy for wildlife to swim in.
                                                      2. Acid rain.
       3. Hold our government accountable for closing the loopholes in international agreements and ending all commercial whaling.
       4. Still endangered but is a work in progress. 

Comment what you are doing in the holidays!

School Holidays is just around the corner! Are you going to any of the following these holidays?

Tuesday 26 September 2017


Kiva is a bullying program that is against the bullying in schools.hornby high school is one of the schools included in this program and kiva is awesome for solving problems and teachers get sent slides to show to the class and videos.

Gymnastics 26th september

I have learnt to do a front flip and a back flip between both of the parallel bars this has been an extrodanery experience and I can't wait till the next gymnastics.

Monday 25 September 2017

22nd and 23rd of September

On Friday after school at spicificly 3:30 me and my mum went to pick up Jemma as we pulled out of the drive I closed the gate peering over the other side of the yard.All I see is my little Guinea pigs snowy and flash looking at me begging for a carrot I dissidend to get a quarter of a cucumber and feed it to the two pure white boys. As the Guinea pigs was munching on their cucumber I saw their eyes glimmer in the sun and felt their fur as soft as silk. I opened to door to the Honda and jumped into the car ready to pick up my best friend,as we drove to rolleston we saw all different colours and breeds of horse,for example palominos,greys,bay,gypsy vanner and much more. As we pulled up her drive I rung the door bell and waited,all of a sudden Harley and Oscar (dogs) sprinted at me as Jemima opened the door saying yay your here. She put on her sneakers and came out to the car and hopped in ready to stay with me at my nanas and grandads house. On the way there Jemima gave me a horse neaklace and a card with a suprise inside I opened the card and it was written in black pen... Happy birthday bestie you are the best love from your best friend Jemma. My reaction was aww and thank you so much I didn't expect that. As we switched the gear stick to park me and Jemima sprinted to the gate and closed it behind my mum and saw the five dogs eyes glimmer well begging to see Jemma for the first time my nana has three cream colour pugs but one of them is black on King Charles and one bichon amythist monty max Harry and Georgie is the names one female. My nana loves pugs so she has a collection of them. Jemma and I got knocked over by amythist the black pug Jemma and I piled our stuff in a corner in our room well Jemma my nana and I Made the beds.we took the dogs for a walk and before you know it,it's dinner time scrambled eggs for tea nanas favourite. That night Jemma and I went to bed at 11.00 and fell asleep about half an hour after. As Jemma and I raised from our beds the sunrise hit our eyes and pushed us down the stairs for morning tea we had this really yummy doenuts and took Harry and amythist for a walk next second Jemma's mum picked her up, I can't wait to see her again. The next day I woke up with all the dogs and the cat on my bed I sprinted downstairs and then grandad made me some poached eggs for breakfast. I did my teeth and then took the dogs for a long walk but I did not take gorgie for he is to old. Than the afternoon flew by and it was time to go home mum picked me up and my tutor for math appeared to help me.

Thank You for reading about my weekend

Signed: Kaela

Thursday 14 September 2017


Today in science we have a test about the human body.This test will contain the correct names for the body parts. We have to name the bones and answer questions like why can jellyfish walk and if we get most wrong we fail that part of science.

My digital booklet

Fitness this morning

Today during fitness we have done different types of exercises and here are some of them.

Squats,Burpees,Starjumps,Skipping,Running,High knees,Butkickers,Irish dancing some of these is what my teacher Mr Mitchell made up.

The purpose of all of these exercises is to stretch and build up your muscles in your legs,thighs and other parts. 

Introduced species to New Zealand

Red deer
Wallaby only in the south island

1. An introduced species is a species living outside its native distributional range.
2. Because it fits with their habitat type.
3. Because of pests.
4. They eat eggs from birds that live on the ground and feed on them.
5. Because they are pests and predators and eat native creatures.


 The first possums were brought here in 1837 from Australia.
Possums are native to Australia where they are protected.
Possums are not a problem in Australia, in fact, they are endangered in some areas.
Possums were brought to New Zealand to start a fur industry.
At the height of the fur trade, trappers killed 20 million possums in a year which helped to control possum number.When possums were first released into some areas of New Zealand, such as the Wairarapa, school children were given the day off school to mark the historic event!Possums belong to a special group of mammals called marsupials. This means that the baby possum is born when it is still very tiny and continues growing in a special pouch on its mother’s stomach instead of inside its mother’s tummy.
Marsupials are found only in Australia. There are 200 different kinds of marsupials in Australia.
Other marsupials are the wallaby (which was also introduced to New Zealand), kangaroo and koala. That makes the possum the cousin of the kangaroo.

Wednesday 13 September 2017


This week I have pushed myself to my limits and completed...

Tuesday 12 September 2017


12th  September 2017

Today in gymnastics went on the trampoline and a beam to lifting one I correctly did all the forms asked by the p.e teacher Mr Hilliard and Miss Merrin

What I would like to achieve by the end of this lesson is ...

To push myself to my limits: I have completed my goal and did all the activity's correctly and constantly doing it right.

Wednesday 6 September 2017



1. Fukushima
2. Chernobyl

Why are these important
What effect have they had on the areas around them?
What has been done to protect the surrounding areas from Chernobyl radiation?
What we have learnt from the?